Putting simulators can help golfers dramatically improve their putting by seeing the line, learning speed control, and practicing putting in an augmented reality environment. Here are three of the best golf simulators for practicing putting.
PuttView P7, P8, P10, and P12
PuttView Indoor can be added to our putting greens... [Read More]
Putting simulators can help golfers dramatically improve their putting by seeing the line, learning speed control, and practicing putting in an augmented reality environment. Here are three of the best golf simulators for practicing putting.
PuttView P7, P8, P10, and P12
PuttView Indoor can be added to our putting greens or any existing ones. The AR system projects the putt details onto the green and allows for genuine interaction. Control and modify all visuals through the included tablet, while Ball Tracking technology adds instant feedback. Available products include PuttView P7, P8, P10, and p12.
PuttView X HoloLens Glasses
With PuttView X, Microsoft's HoloLens has introduced the first-ever sports app. Enjoy an unparalleled learning adventure by putting on the glasses. This app can be utilized on any golf course globally, without the need for any additional equipment. Witness the reality of a putt right before your eyes, on the actual green, for the first time.
ExPutt RG EX500D
Exputt RG is effortless to set up and operate, utilizing a high-speed camera and advanced tracking software to track swing mechanics and ball movement. Instantly transform any space into a course, simply by rolling out the putting mat and connecting the camera. Suitable for all levels, Exputt RG is the ultimate way to enhance your short game. Its compact design enables you to use it with a TV anywhere to continuously work on your skills.
Below, you will see putting simulator costs and putting simulator reviews from our customers.